Mari at My Little Corner of the World did this alphabet meme yesterday and it looked like fun so I'm doing it today!
A is for your age: 50, my Year of Jubilee!
B is for your burger of choice: big, juicy medium done 1/4 pound chunk of beef with mayo, ketchup, mustard, onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese on a bun that's been toasted on the grill
C is for the car that you drive: I actually haven’t driven our Fiat Uno yet; the stick shift and lack of power steering has me spooked in a city built on hills

D is for dog's name: All my pets had names beginning with the letter P. My dogs were Pepe, Peewee and Puffy. Have not had a dog since high school ☹
E is for an essential item you use each day: definitely the computer ☺
F is for your favorite television show:
The CloserG is for favorite game: word games of any kind
H is for hometown: Hyden, KY
I is for instruments played: does an iPod count? Okay, I played clarinet for 2 years until the band director in junior high told me to find something better to do with his time. Then there were those wasted years of piano lessons as well; I'm NOT musically inclined!
J is for favorite juice: orange juice
K is for what you'd like to kick: bad habits
L is for last restaurant you dined at: La Galicia
M is for your favorite muppet: Miss Piggy, the ultimate diva!

N is for number of piercings you have: only my ears, and only one hole per ear
O is for overnight hospital stays: When I had my tonsils out and when I had my babies
P is for people you were with today: Seeing as how it’s first thing in the morning, only my hubby
Q is for what you do in quiet times: Blog, read, quilt
R is for regrets: Not going there
S is for status: Like on facebook? Married ☺ Like in society? Nada
T is for time you woke up today: didn’t look at the clock
U is for what you consider unique: the gifts God has given each of us
V is for favorite vegetable: I am a fan of the vegetable in any shape, color and size! But the potato holds a special place in my heart; I’ve never met a potato I didn’t like ☺ Corn on the cob runs a
very close second and I'm sad it will be more than 2 years before I can have it again.
W is for your worst habit: correcting others; leftover knee-jerk reaction from our years of homeschooling
X is for x-rays you have had: back (multiple times), teeth (even more), right elbow (only once)
Y is for yummy food you ate today: getting ready to chow down on some homemade chocolate chip-banana muffins for breakfast
Z is for zodiac sign: Not going there either
Look like fun? You can do it, too! Just copy and pop in your own answers ☺