I may have mentioned a time or four that I love doing laundry. Weird, I know. A big part of why I enjoy the chore is that my darling hubby built me the cutest and handiest little washing closet. It has a shelf above for all my laundry paraphernalia, a large hook beside the washer so I can keep hangers at the ready, and it's all safely ensconced in a cabinet on my patio that I can lock and keep secure when not in use.

And finally I leave you with a (not very good) photo of something that caused GREAT REJOICING AND LOUD HALLELUJAHS when the hubby brought it home. For those new to my blog, I have been searching FOR FIVE MONTHS for this. While Argentine food is amazing and I love it, I have been sadly, sadly disappointed in the cheese selection. Every cheese I've tried (except the hard ones like parmesan) are bland, bland, bland. Like most Americans I have an ongoing love affair with...

Lest you get too excited, though, we're pretty sure it's a limited time offer. We've had this happen with other things we like a lot; one day they have it, the next they don't and when we ask, we are told it was just for that one time. So, the hubby is going to take the wrapping to our favorite little cheese store to see if he can't get it in on a regular basis. The cheese IS produced in Argentina so it shouldn't be that hard to get. We hope! 'Cause we are so lovin' the CHEDDAR!!!
Thanks for the little glimpse of warmth! I can't wait to see things blooming again. That pine cone is pretty cool looking!
oh this gets me excited for spring!!! I have rose bushes all in my front yard...not too far off!!!
That pine cone looks dangerous!! ha!
sorry mr linky is not up. It is giving me FITS!!! Well, I've got 49 weeks to figure it out!
Just thought I'd let you know that Mr. Linky is up now. :)
Beautiful flowers!
Great photos! The pictures of the flowers are beautiful and make me even more anxious for Spring.
Glad you found some cheese you like. I love cheese, so I know how excited you must be.
Lovely flowers! We live in the southwest so I have a few snapdragons that are still alive and that makes me so happy when I look at them. :)
So glad you found that awesome cheese - cheese is such a staple around our house, I don't know what I'd do without it! Hopefully it isn't just a limited-time thing for you...
Internet is up and running again since yesterday, no wait till Wed, and no more trips to local coffee shop.
I love morning glories too. Somehow your photo captured such a vivid hue!
I laughed at the BR sign and had forgotten (or not known?) that such a requirement existed in Argentina. It reminded me of Mexico's expected practice everywhere.
Then my mind jumped to a sign I read above the kitchen sink in a guys apartment in the Gt. Mex. (which to an Argentine is hilarious!): Cada quien lave su traste. (Every one wash his own dirty dish--Mexican interpretation)
I must say, since reading your blog I have a new appreciation for cheese!
I'm so glad there is warm somewhere for someone to be enjoying. Can't wait to be sitting on my front porch again.
Thanks for the glimpse of beautiful flowers...there is hope!
Thank you for talking about warm weather. I know if will be here in four months.
I love morning glories.
I love the nature pictures. I've never seen a pinecone in the forming process. Very cool.
The sign on the bathroom door would make me want to leave. LOL!
I hope you stocked up on the cheddar!
Loved seeing the beautiful flowers, it helps to be reminded that Spring is a few weeks away!
Ummm, the warmth looks fine, but I don't know that I could function without cheese ...
I love morning glories, too. We have them around here, you know, in the right time of year! :-) And your roses are GORGEOUS!
I can't say I've ever seen a pine cone that big before. Wow.
Congrats on the cheese! Hope you can find more! I don't know what we'd do if we couldn't find a decent selection of cheese. Yummm.
How much cheddar have you eaten so far?
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