Friday, February 8, 2013

"Come Rain or Come Shine"

This week I started reading one of the free Kindle books I downloaded recently, and I am enjoying it so much! "Come Rain or Come Shine: Friendships Between Women" is one of those books that inspire, inform, and entertain all at once. Would highly, HIGHLY recommend it to all my female friends!
It's a compilation of short essays by women all over the U.S., and their stories will make you smile, laugh, nod your head and possibly even tear up on occasion.

I've had reason to think about this topic a lot over the past year and ponder how grateful I am to have so many good, dear friends. Where would we be without our girlfriends?!

It's not only us girls who are discussing the concept, either. I think I first saw this link about male friendships on facebook, and the article was so good I forwarded it to Ivan, who then forwarded it to some of his friends.

God talks a lot about friendship in Scripture so it must be important. If you want to be encouraged to not only seek the right kind of friends, but to be the right kind of friend, you might want to mosey on over to and take advantage of this free book. You don't need to have a Kindle in order to read it; you can download it to your computer too.

It has made me think about what kind of friend I am, and how I want/need to change to be a better friend. Since I'm human, there's quite a few areas that could use improvement! One of the first things I'm going to work on is being a better listener... but I won't stop there.

Out of curiosity, what quality do you most admire in a friend?


Skoots1moM said...

thanks for the free download...
i enjoy sharing Scripture readings with my's amazing how many times we discover God has laid the same Scripture on our hearts during the same week...coincidence, i think not ;)

riTa Koch said...

A true friendship is always the same, even when you are apart for years you can pick up again like NO time has elapsed.