Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm baaaaack!

After being without a computer for a whole week (gulp!) I am sooooooo happy to be the proud owner of a new (well, refurbished) Macbook Air!!!
Isn't my baby cute?!

Since my mother-in-law doesn't have internet at her house, we're seeking free wifi hotspots this week. And hoping we can get internet at the house in Michigan.

Which is where we're heading this weekend!

I'm also soooooooo excited to be able to plug back into our home church for a few months!!!

I sort of feel like Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz..."there's no place like home, there's no place like home".  Only in reference to our home church, not our "home".

Because "home" is now Argentina, of course :)

And while we're very happy to be here, and get to see friends and family, we DO miss "home" and our friends there. Too bad we can't instantly transport back and forth.

Just wanted to let folks know we arrived safely and we're staying busy...

...and have already started working on the list of foods we can't get back home.
Like breakfast sausage.
And Dr. Pepper.
Which isn't technically a food, but is something we can't get in Argentina.

I'll be back this weekend with updates for Project 365.

Or maybe before, with thoughts on the differences we've noticed in our short time back in the U.S.
Like how spacious public restroom stalls are, and so nicely stocked with toilet paper.
Or the sheer variety of...well, just about everything in the stores.
And how quickly you can get in and out of business or government offices.
Some definite and noticeable differences!
More later, mis amigos.


Oldfangled said...

Yay! Hope to see you soon.

The Bug said...

I'm glad you posted today. I have to get fingerprinted tomorrow for my job & I was grumbling about it - but I'll bet it's WAY easier to get something like that done here!

I'm glad you're save & sound & scant hours away from me :)

Mari said...

Welcome back! I was wondering if yo had safely arrived. A post on differences would be interesting.

Skoots1moM said...

Congrats on the new computer, and on getting there safely ...relax & enjoy the food ;)

sara said...

yea!!! so glad to hear you made it safely!!!! love the new computer and can't wait to hear updates!!!

Robin Lambright said...

Yea for being state side! The hubs and i are on the lat day of our Vacay....(boo hiss!!!) but this hotle we are at has decent internet si I have been able to at least get to my FB and blog!

So happy you are getting to appreciate all the yearned for things like Dr. Pepper...

We fly home today so it will be back to the old grind before ya know it!

Enjoy your time with freinds and family! Let us know when you get here and we will for sure make plans to meet face to face.
