It is a beautiful sunny winter day that feels more like spring. Ivan is feeling better after being sick all weekend with the flu. He wants out of the house!
So Ivan and Kim take a walk.
Like always, they head to the
costanera. It's so clear you can see the mountains in the distance!

But boy, it sure is windy today! Instead of walking by the lake, let's go look at the pretty houses. Mmmmmm, I really like the fence on this one.

Wow -- look at those doors! I love how the front door usually matches the garage door.

Oh look! There's a house for sale! Has potential, don't you think? Definitely!
(Ivan and Kim are always noticing the houses for sale. Did you hear about the time they were driving home from Out West and spent an hour and a half looking at real estate in a little town in Wyoming even though there was absolutely no chance of ever living there?)
Time to head home. Let's stop at that pasta place. Fresh pasta for lunch sounds really good!

What can we put on the pasta? There's a little red sauce left from the other day, but not much. Okay, next door to the pasta place is this little market. We can buy cream and have
Pasta Neopolitan.

The bread from the little market is so good! Look at all the yummy things we picked up on our walk. Even a couple of
empanadas for the appetizer.

Ivan, can you pick some lettuce for a salad? Sure.

Oh my, we do like fresh pasta!

Only 3 minutes in boiling water and it's done.

Look honey, I picked some radishes for the salad too.

Add some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Now that is one fine looking salad!

Let's dish it all up and have lunch!
The End.
Thanks for taking me on your walk. What a pretty area. I really liked those doors. Now if you would just share your lunch with me!
great little walk...
so glad he's better...
hope the flu wasn't too bad
dd is still in New Orleans on mission trip
hubby's been traveling for work
i'm going back to the 'remaining' portion of my facilitator training class soon
it's been a humid, yet sunny, day here today
BS&K and I worked out earlier this morning and I've been 'housewifing' it since, dishes, vacuuming, laundry
Making Ina Garten's plum tartin 2night...yum...will get some pics and post w/ the recipe
your veggies are yummy i am sure...i love radishes, especially when they have a little kick for my salad
i had shrimp nachos for lunch today with some of my fresh cilantro from my 'herb box' :)
have a great night!!
Yummmmmmmm i had popcorn for lunch... I would much rather have homemade pasta
How is the FIL? Broke my heart when you described him.
That was a lovely and beautifully yummy lunch. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
You can take us for a stroll anytime and serve us lunch as well.
Looks wonderful! (I'm extremely jealous of the lettuce! Ours died. Or was eaten by bunnies.)
Thanks for inviting me on your walk and to market. I love the beautiful mountains in the background. The shops are wonderful and the food looks fantastic. Blessings, SusanD
So glad I found your blog! Missions is very close to my heart - hoping to travel to W. Africa this Spring for a two week missions trip - beautiful pictures and God bless you bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ!
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