Monday, April 21, 2008

The Carnival's In Town! The Bloggy Giveaway Carnival!

I'm pretty excited to participate in my first online giveaway!!! Hosted by Don't Try This At Home, you can browse through a gazillion giveaways and enter as many as you want by just going to the individual blogs. And it's going on all week so more and more people will be offering oh-so-wonderful giveaways so be sure to keep going back! How fun is that?!!! Who doesn't love free things?!

You'll see the button on my sidebar that gives the guidelines for participating. if you'd like to give away something yourself.

So what am I giving away? Actually I'll be offering a few things throughout the week. Up for grabs first is an authentic African batik we brought back after spending a year in Uganda. Measuring roughly 8" x 17" the batik features African ladies on their way to market with their wares. Isn't it fabulous?!

I know whoever wins this will love it!

It is handmade so there are imperfections but that just adds to the charm. I'm showing it on a piece of black fabric so it stands out better. The background is a golden yellow and there's a lot of oranges, black and olive green plus a little brick red. It is African folk art at its finest. I love my batiks! [Nope, will NOT say how many I have 'cause I don't want folks to think I'm a glutton for batiks.] You can frame it in a variety of ways. I've seen them displayed in those glass frames that don't have edges (sort of frameless frames), mounted and framed in rustic frames, and I've given away a few that I sewed on fabric borders and backs (like a quilt).

So leave a comment to enter, and don't forget to keep coming back 'cause I'll be giving away even more goodies throughout the week -- a scarf from Africa, mate cup and bombilla (metal straw) from Argentina, watercolor print from Ireland, and basket from Uganda. Have fun at the Carnival!

First off, congratulations to Mindy for winning the African batik! Since I'm new to the bloggy giveaway thing, I put up a new post today without thinking that folks coming from Mr. Linky would see this post and not that one. I did add today's post to Mr. Linky but that's not going to help those who come visit from the first one. So I'm adding part it to this as an update.

Have y'all been over to Don't Try This At Home yet? My word! I just checked and the links just keep comin'. There are hundreds and hundreds of folks participating in this bloggy giveaway extravaganza!!!

Here's a quick peek of what I'll be giving away the rest of this week. (And I apologize -- my photography skilz are sadly lacking.)
I'll be adding people who comment on this post with those that post on today's and coming up with a winner for today's giveaway: the African scarf. Which is roughly 40" x 42" (it's a stretchy fabric) in rich shades of brown with touches of black.
My female Ugandan friends tried to teach me how to wrap it around my head like they do with their scarves. Unfortunately I am completely inept in regard to this technique :-( But I have used another scarf I brought back over the neck of a winter coat, and looked, as my African friends would say, "Very smart!" However you use the scarf, it's a striking fashion accessory!

Anyway before I describe what we're giving away today, just a shout out to Kara who won the African scarf from yesterday!!! I think she just may be planning to wear it when they go pick up their little girl from Africa.

Okay, now on to the mate cup and bombilla straw pictured here.
We have an essay written by an Argentine about what mate means to the nation. I'll send a copy of that with the cup and straw to whoever wins. I always think it's nice to know a little of the history of things, don't you? :-)

For those not in the know, mate refers to both the cup and the tea. This herbal tea is from a bush from the holly family. It has a mild stimulant (but not caffeine) so a lot of health food stores in the U.S.A. are selling it now. And my hubby is reading a book right now that was written back in the 1930s by a man who traveled around Argentina. He came across the story of an expedition into Chile to establish a cattle ranch. Being so far away from the rest of civilization meant they had to get their supplies by ship, and unfortunately their supply ship was wrecked before it reached them so the people were starving. The leader of the expedition tried to get everyone to drink mate at the very least. Those who did never got scurvy! Makes one wonder if there have been any long-term studies done on all the health benefits of this tea!

Now the way Argentine's drink their tea is a little counterintuitive to how we drink it here in the U.S. We typically put our loose tea into tea balls or small cup strainers. But in Argentina they dump the loose leaves right into the cup AND THE STRAW HAS A STRAINER BUILT INTO THE END OF IT so you don't get little bits of tea leaves in your teeth. How cool is that?! Don't know if you can really tell from the picture, but the bottom of the straw is indeed a strainer.


This watercolor is part of the Images of Ireland series by Pat Flavell, watercolorist and illustrator living in the southwest of Ireland. The framed size is 8" x 10". [It's still in the cellophane envelope which created a glare when I snapped the picture.] I absolutely LOVE this print that some fortunate person will win today! I brought back *ahem* nine altogether. On our first trip to Ireland we had some money left at the end of the trip (shocking, I know) and it was such a pain to convert the money that we decided to spend it there somehow, someway. It wasn't a difficult choice, really, because I'd been eyeing the watercolors by Philip Gray and Pat Flavell. I bought three at that time. On our last trip I picked up another six.

And now on to who won yesterday's amazing giveaway, the mate cup and bombilla...(drumroll please)'s none other than Jon & Sara! Congratulations! I'll also be sending them the essay about why mate is so important in Argentine culture.

Actually a number of you expressed an interest in the essay. Monday I'll be posting it on this blog.


Kimberly said...

Very pretty! LOVE the colors!!!!!

I can be reached at the URL attached to my name.

I can be reached at hunnyv and then at and then optonline dot net.

Karmyn R said...

I have a blue batik tablecloth from Nigeria that is gorgeous and this would look great with it.

Oh - and by the way - not allowing anonymous comments makes it hard for any Typepad or Wordpess people to enter.

Dreaming What Ifs...

Christi S said...

That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing something that you love!

Please stop by my giveaway as well!

Happy blogging!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Beautiful! :)

Land of Lovings said...

very cool! definitely sign me up!

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Oh, I love this! We have several family connections to various parts of Africa, so this speaks to me. Thanks for the contest!

Mindy said...

Thank you for the chance to win. It is beautiful! We sponsor a Compassion International child from Uganda so this would be the perfect reminder.

mindysaid (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Oh, lovely! I really like that you're giving away items from places you've been :-)

fiordpiner [at] yahoo [dot] com

.ambre. said...

oh, it's gorgeous! what a special giveaway!

Bunny B said...

Awesome batik! Just lovely :) Thank you for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

This is lovely!


Hey, don't forget my giveaways!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...


Jessica said...

I love this batik! I really enjoy and appreciate handmade things from other cultures.

Anonymous said...

My husband was born and raised in the Congo so we love all things African. I would love to hang this in our "getting ready to be finished" basement! Holly

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! Please enter me... will you be posting each of your new contests on Bloggy Give-away as well? I hope so. They sound fabulous!

Devon said...

i am a huge fan of batik! i have been hoping to learn the techniques! what a great piece! thanks for this opportunity!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I took Geography in University and love anything with a cultural flair.

Thanx again for the great blog giveaway.

MaggiB said...

Love textiles from around the world. I started collecting them when I travelled now my friends and children bring them to me. I use them in my art or home decor. This looks like a lovely piece. Thank you for your generosity. MaggiB

Kimberly said...

A year in Uganda! Wow! I bet it was an amazing experience.

This print is so beautiful! I have been looking for some unique art to hand in my office... well, I graduate and hopefully will find a job and have an office soon!

MorethanMommy said...

This is beautiful... can't wait to see your other giveaways, too!

Kate said...

I'm not sure if my comment went through because I got an error from blogger. If it does can you just erase this so I can have 1 entry and not disqualify myself??? :-) I REAAAALLY want to win this!

Smellyann said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks, I'd love to win - and please visit mine, too!

Noreen Crone-Findlay said...

Ohmigosh, I LOVE the scarf! Thank you so much for this neat giveaway!
Noreen over at

Jessica said...

The scarf is BEAUTIFUL! I would love to win this! Thank you so much for the giveaway! I hate I missed the batik!

CanCan said...

I'd love to win some of your amazing handicrafts! I'm sad I missed out on the batik! I love batiks!

windycindy said...

Hello, I would enjoy a hand made scarf and it is wonderful knowing where it came from. The batik was very gorgeous,also! Please enter me in this drawing. I appreciate it!

KnittinChick said...

I love wrappers... I was in DR Congo this past summer and loved all the fabrics and colours on the women.

I'd love to win

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Gorgeous! I have a friend who's tried to explain about mate to me. This explanation helped.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how cool!

fizzledink AT gmail DOT com

Debbie said...

Your home must be spectacular if these are what you are giving away. I'd love to see what you're keeping!

Anonymous said...

GREAT giveaway!

I would LOVE to win this set!

Hey, if you have a chance, please stop by and visit my contest page too!

my email is:
racoo.smith at gmail dot com

Thanks and have a lovely day!

Amie said...

I love all things that remind me and my children that the world is bigger then us. What beautiful things thanks!

breastblanket (at) gmail (dot) com

Jon and Sarah said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. All are awesome.

Anonymous said...

i love tea, and i love to try it using that! great stuff...


noreen said...

I would love this for my Mom since she has always wanted to visit Ireland (where my grandma was from)

Alitheia said...

I'd love this, thanks for offering it! =)

Jeanette J said...

Great prize. Please enter me

James & Andrea said...

The scarf is so pretty! I love wearing shawls and scarves. Thank you for giving this one away.

Anonymous said...

I am a lover of the Cultural Arts. I have a few(very few) pieces that I am very proud of. This would be a lovely addition, and I would display it with honor! Very generous, unique give-a-way. The first in this category I have seen. Enjoyed my visit, thank you.

noreen said...

lovely basket

Re said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope i'm the lucky winner :)

katklaw777 said...

this is soooooo beautiful!!! thnx for a generous giveaway katklaw777(at)yahoo(dot)com