So. Technically I have dropped the ball with Project 365 hosted by Sara at ...Make Music From Your Heart To The Lord.
Then I had a little brainstorm this morning. Since I didn't have any photos to look at from this week, I began browsing through my old photos.
And became quite nostalgic.
I must stop and confess that I am a very weird person. Although I love my family and friends and quite enjoy looking at their's the places that move me most. When we moved from Indiana to Florida many years ago I was homesick. But when I started looking through my photo album, it wasn't the people who elicited emotion. It was my house. Now in my defense, it was my first house (actually only house as we've never owned since then) so of course I had feelings for it.
That's when I realized I'm a little different than most people.
Anyway, as I was looking at photos this morning I once again found myself drawn to places. But you know what? I'm also realizing that it's because the PLACES remind me of PEOPLE and the memories associated with them. Now I don't feel so bad. Weird, yes. Bad, no.
And I decided to share a few photos of my favorite places, starting with the parsonage where we lived for ten years.
Before we lived in the parsonage, we spent nine years as houseparents within easy walking distance of the Hillsdale College Arboretum. In the early years on nice days we'd pack up our schoolbooks and a blanket to sit on and go have school there. It's always been our first choice for picnics. Or just to get away and take walks along the many paths, to one of the old stone pavilions or around the lake.

Dear friends who own a cottage in Ludington, Michigan, were always generous with it. The initial use of the cottage actually led to our spending a year in Africa, a story for another time. But I can't begin to tell you what joy this place brings! Just the thought of Epworth makes us smile ☺ Do you have places like that in your life? I hope so! Here's a photo taken from the porch, looking out over the rooftops of other cottages and Lake Michigan during one of its stunning sunsets.

From my blog title you can infer I'm from the south. I was born in Kentucky, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. As the saying goes, You can take the girl out of the mountains but you'll never take the mountains out of the girl. How true! I love my mountains with a passion that cannot be adequately communicated but only felt by fellow southerners. Amen? Amen!

While I love the place of my birth, I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to travel! And when I married my hubby I guaranteed a lifetime of travel ☺ We can frequently be found in airports, often looking just as tired as when this photo was taken.

The very first overseas trip I took was to Argentina. Shocking, isn't it? LOL My hubby wanted his wife and kids to see where he'd grown up. We came for a month, from mid-December 1996 through mid-January 1997. We had a blast visiting the different places he lived (his parents were church planters so they moved every few years) but our favorite was the last place. My hubby went to high school in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita which was a little pueblo of around 3,500 then (it's up to around 13,000 now). The family still owns the house, just two hours from where we currently live, so it's still a favorite place to get away to and enjoy a little country. Located 4 km from Santa Rosa, it sits about a city-block-walk from the river, along a dirt road lined with eucalyptus trees. My hubby helped his family build the house and stone fence so of course it's very special to him.

And that brings us to where we live now: Carlos Paz, Argentina. Population: around 80,000. Located at the end of a valley, spreading out beside a lake and up the mountains. Destination for many Argentines on vacation so in the summer a crowded, noisy, busy place with about a million visiters. Much more tranquilo the rest of the year ☺ But summer or winter, it's the place where God has called us. And that's reason enough to love it! Can't possibly get the entire city in a shot because it's so spread out, but here's a little slice of it.

Thank you for indulging my walk down memory lane. I hope I don't get kicked off Project 365 for deviating from the stated purpose! Our camera is supposed to travel from Buenos Aires to the interior week after this so hopefully -- and thankfully -- I will soon be able to post lots and lots of happy photos ☺ Meanwhile I promise to go back to using the cell phone camera this week so next Sunday I won't have to cheat.
You're not kicked off! I enjoyed seeing all the places you lived, each with their own type of beauty!
PS - I'm weird too!
That wa a great idea!! I enjoyed seeing all the different places you lived.
Our first church was a mission congregation in Florence Kentucky.
My husband served their for 6 years. There is nothing quite like the beauty of Kentucky.
Enjoy your week!!!
you are so not kicked off!!! I loved seeing your pictures and why they are important to you....
I grew up in Tucson surrounded by majestic I understand about missing the mountains!!
Loved your pictures. The rooftop sunset with Lake Michigan is breath taking!!
Wow! Some really beautiful shots in your week. I heart that stone fence your hubby helped build. I do love me a good, solid, stone fence.
Thanks again for stopping by She Lives!
That was great! See, if you'd stuck to the original plan we may not have found out all that about you. Its amazing to see the path God has taken us down when we look back. He does, in fact, know what He's doing! :)
loved the pics!
Wow, Kim great idea and way to rock it! I love the Kentucky Blue Ridge Mountains! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the memories!
You are not kicked off, silly! It's representative of what you did this week, is it not? :-)
I love the picture of Lake Michigan...and where you live now. That's awesome!
Wonderful pictures. I live at Lake Michgian and have to make a point to enjoy the sunsets.
I just love your pictures. Everything is so scenic. The sunset is gorgeous. I would love to have that view.
I moved from California to Texas. My grandaughter who was born in Texas asked her mom one time if mountains were real. Ugh! Take the knife out please. I do miss the mountains.
B.e.a.utiful, Kim, both photos and narrative!
Thanks oh so much for the trip down memory lane! To me, about half of it is nostalgia lane, and I guess I'm becoming more and more nostalgic as the years go by.
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