It's taken the better part of the day to get photos and videos uploaded (downloaded?) to the blog for
Project 365. Whew! I had three videos, but after it took HOURS to just get the two shorter ones posted, I'm throwing in the towel.
Anyway, lots of photos to share so let's not waste any more time...
When we arrived at the house in Sta. Rosa on Monday, our friends had prepared a wonderful lunch.

I had a fun week sewing.

First up: piecing the top of another baby quilt. The envelopes were pretty "busy" with all the bright colors and patterns so I used tone-on-tone fabrics in the sashing and borders.

Here's a close-up so you can see the fabric envelopes. As the baby becomes a toddler, they can use the pockets to play games like Memory by tucking cards into each envelope. Possibilities are endless!

Sink and vanity installed, baseboard too. Lookin' good!

A trip to the saw mill netted a nice load of free fire wood. Kept Ivan busy chopping and...

...stacking. Should last a while!

Thursday we went to Tio Rico's with friends. The food is sold by the kilo and they keep a running tab at the desk. Ivan kept forgetting to get his plate weighed and then getting called back up for that. I guess he was having too much fun visiting with our friends :-)

This tree must have been struck by lightening. I can imagine kids using this as a club house although it looks like it could fall over any time so I don't think it would be a very
safe place to play.

Yesterday I told
the story of how we used a fallen parrot's nest...

...made with lots of thorny branches and twigs...

... to block an area along the back fence where the neighbor's sheep were getting in and munching on our baby citrus trees.

Like most little towns, Belgrano has its share of cheese and salami shops.

It would be easy to drop some serious money in a store like this one, with all the leather and silver goods.

With the Chocolate Festival this last weekend, Belgrano was a happening place! The weather was perfect. Sunny and warm enough for folks to sit at outside cafes and sip coffee and eat chocolate tortas or pastries.

So they'd have the energy to go spend their money on goodies to take home with them :-)

I was sewing right up until it was time to clean and pack to come home. I finished the chair cushion covers just after lunch on Sunday. Impossible to tell but the fabric is a tiny green and cream checked print. I think it looks nice against the yellow walls and am happy with the results.

And I'll close with a couple videos for your viewing enjoyment. First up the Tyrolean dancers (Belgrano was founded by German immigrants and it's still predominantly German).
And here's some footage of the young Argentine folk dancers. Loved 'em! (Pay attention to the little guy -- he's SO serious!
Why am I always hungry when I read your blog? I want to go to Tio Rico's and I want to buy cheese in Belgrano!!
Saturday I made biscuits and gravy in your honor.
Love the living room cushions.
Loved the dances too, and seeing the Colles.
You did a great job on that quilt. I love the envelopes! The vanity looks wonderful and I'm glad you took a picture of the tree - it's very cool!
The envelope quilt is the best- I've never seen one before like that. Your chair covers look wonderful!
I haven't been able to exactly figure out how to participate in the 365 project- it looks like something that would eat up too much time on the computer, as if blog reading doesn't already do that for me- Ha! I should've known. Anything with the word "project" in it usually is my first clue that I will never get it done.
I'll keep working toward it though.
Fantastic photo journal. I love that quilt, it will be such a blessing. And those chair cushions look very inviting. Cheese, salami, chocolate, pastry; how do you choose....let's have one of everything. lol Blessings, SusanD
Oh, the Spanish comment made me laugh out loud! hahahaha Thanks.
A Chocolate Festival!!!!!!!
Great pictures and great projects!!! The quilt is amazing ad the chair covers were beautiful.
You are too talented!!!!!
Those little envelopes are amazing. I would not have the patience to make such a quilt. It's wonderful!
If only I hadn't missed the chocolate festival! I loved all the pics, Kim. Awesome post.
Just noticed that my comment, second one, came through Kayla's account, and don't know how that happened. We've all been sharing the little laptop...who knows.
I'm amazed at how much sewing you got done!
Cool stuff...lots of work too.
The cushions look great and so does the quilt!
your pictures this week were awesome!!
I love the quilt and the envelopes are such a great idea!!!
sounds like you had a fun and busy week!!
btw, my boys have decided they want to stay clear of Argentine! ha! their time in the airport, trouble with the airlines, and then the flight left them a bit leary! :)
back home from 7 days on the beach!
thanks for checking on me...
looks like you've been busy and i LOVE your quilts!!
will be posting pics later...
i'm washing beach towels as I post
have a good night...
ugh, i have to cook 2night
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