If you'd like to participate, jump on over to Lid's and join the fun! Or go see how others responded to her questions of the week :-)
1. Candy corn: Your thoughts?
I’d rather get my calories through other venues. Preferably chocolate in nature.
2. Briefly, what was the first conversation you ever had with your spouse? (or best friend, if you're not married.) (Or someone significant, like your librarian.)
For me it was love at first sight but I also felt God was calling me to missions so my first question after meeting Ivan was “What are you planning to do?” (we were in college so it was a perfectly acceptable question). When he said “I want to go back to Argentina as a missionary” -- although he didn’t know it -- he was a goner. lol
Could you ever become a vegetarian?
If I had to for health reasons. Otherwise, not a chance.
4. Have you ever dressed up your pet in a costume?
5. Name something about childhood that you miss (like Clark Bars, Teaberry Gum, Malibu Barbie, cracking fake eggs on people's heads with your fist and "It's the Great Pumpkin" airing only once a year).
Long lazy summers, playing outside with all the kids in the neighborhood, getting new clothes for school, the smell of a classroom on the first day, playing fort with the dining room chairs and a blanket, Girl Scouts, riding my bike to the library, eating Butter Pecan ice cream and not worrying about the calories, the wonder of seeing the Christmas tree lit up with lots of presents underneath and savoring the anticipation of opening them, reading through all the Nancy Drew books...
6. Have you ever won a trophy? If not, what do you deserve a trophy for?
Not a trophy. But I did win a contest once for my incomparable speed on the calculator (or adding machine as we called it back in the day). Can’t think of anything trophy-worthy at the moment.
7. When do you think is the appropriate time to begin playing Christmas music each year?
You mean we’re supposed to stop?
8. What's your favorite board game?
How do you feel about surprises (receiving, not giving)?
I have control issues so for things to do, no. I'm a planner with a very low spontaneous threshold.
But for receiving gifts, yes.
10. Is it easy for you to say, "I'm sorry?"
No but I’m working on it.
11. What is your favorite candle scent?
Fresh Linens
12. October is traditionally "open house" time in public schools. If you had a literal open house in your home (like a reception) what light snacks would you serve visitors and what would you show them (as in art projects, graded papers) that would uniquely represent you?
I’d serve a variety of masas finas (pastries) and tea or coffee if it was winter, iced tea during warm weather. For Show & Tell I’d have to go with my quilts, our multitude of books, and the washing machine (with which I have a close and enduring relationship on a daily basis). I’d also have the computer set up to show my blog :-)
Loved all your answers to #5...I just kept shaking my head "yep" as I read each one!!
I so love board games, scrabble is a little lower on the list just because i am a horrible speller and my husband always comes up with these huge words!!
Have never smelled fresh linen...need to.
Showing the blog....great idea!!
I think question 5 is going to make all of us 'of a certain age' VERY nostalgic this week! Thanks for great memories!
Thank the Lord for showing you a man with a heart for missions! That's a great story.
I will play scrabble with you if you let me use a dictionary
I think we would like each other - scrabble, Girl Scouts, and Christmas music. Nice to meet you.
Oh to ride your bike with the banana seat all around your neighborhood...wow that is a good memory. I am thinking #5 is my favorite question. We loose touch with that kid inside of us...it is good to pull her out sometimes.
Great answers!!
Oh we could have way too much fun together! Loved your first answer. And #5 brought back such great memories. And pull out the Scrabble - that was my answer too!!
Loved your nostalgic answers! Isn't it funny how smells and tastes can take us back??? : )
I loved the Nancy Drew books - I just devoured them.
Great answers! Are we having fun with the random dozen or what!
Wow, I would have to say that your answer for #5 made me miss my childhood! I agreed with everything you had listed. This was fun reading.
I still ride my bike to the library! (Actually, I couldn't do this as a kid because the library was too far away. But I do it now.)
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