I couldn't resist. Project 365 was such a good way to document our year, I have to do it again. Thanks, Sara, for continuing to host!
Driving into Cordoba yesterday afternoon, we were astonished at the number of spectators lining the road, waving and taking our photo.... Oh wait, it's the Dakar race participants they want to see and there are two Dakar vehicles right behind us.
(not my photo; it's from this website)
Our daughter was fascinated by the many Oreo flavors and snapped this photo.
On our drive around the lake New Year's day we stopped a number of times; this was by the old dam. Wikipedia has a short article about El Dique San Roque.
And finally, I think it will be my tradition to always include a photo of our peaches in the first Project 365 post each year.
One small and one large limb have broken from the weight of the fruit this year. We'll have to either prop them up in the future, or thin them out. The tree is absolutely LOADED.
That's all for this week. Welcome Project 365 newcomers and a shout out to all those who are returning!
Mmm - I would like a peach AND some oreos - right now!
I'm glad you're enjoying your daughter's visit...
What great photos! I love the fireworks picture and the beautiful lake picture.
I love Oreos and those peaches look awesome!!!
Nice to see that you are continuing! I love that peach photo - makes me hungry!
that IS a lot of oreo flavors!!
Love the shot of the fireworks and your daughter!!!
those peaches look absolutely delicious!!! I am missing summer already!!!
I'm so glad you are getting some time with your daughter! Your blog is beautiful! I really like it.
Those peaches look amazing. I'd be double-fisting them!
Glad you are back, even though the uploading is slow.
SO glad you are doing this again ... and those peaches look DELISH! Made my mouth water.
LOVE the fireworks shot. Beautiful!
B.e.a.Utiful! Each and all!
Yummmmy peaches. Will you send some back with Tina?
Hey, seriously tho', could you send some seeds for zapallitos?
Tina is having amazing opportunities! like being in the middle of Dakar and waving like a princess. They were there for her, I'm sure, she is such a beauty!
BTW, I will ask my crafty friend Viola for ideas for a Christmas craft you can do easily and in quantities. She has ideas and mags galore!
I don’t think we have that many Oreos in the grocery store here in TinyTown, MN! I don’t think we even carry Oreos at all for that matter... Nice shot!
LEATHER GOODS! I love you!
Fireworks are hard to capture. Nice.
!!!!!!!!! so enjoy the shots of your beautiful outdoor surroundings this time of year when everything is so bleak here in NorthCountry. The peaches look incredibly delicious and dripping with juice! Yum. Please send to 55909. Thanks
I need to shop with your daughter! Those peaches have me salivating!! YUM!
Look at those peaches! You need to make some jelly! : )
Great images. Good job.
My mom has the same problem with her peach tree. She and Dad usually prop the limbs up with ladders. She won't listen to me when I tell her she needs to prune her tree. She says she doesn't know how, even though I tell her imperfect pruning is better than no pruning. I think she just wants to get as many peaches as possible, and she can't stand the thought of cutting off limbs.
Peaches! You'd think I was one of Pavlov's dogs right about now, the way my mouth is producing saliva!
those peaches look so delicious...and I love the picture of Tina with the fireworks in the background.. I can never get a good picture of fireworks...how many different flavors of Oreos do they have?
BTW - Happy New Year~!
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