Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thanks For The Memories

I spent the whole day working my way through five boxes of memorabilia accumulated over my lifetime. That's a long time!

I have to admit some things puzzled me. Why on earth did I save a lone earring? Or every Christmas card received over the last six years? And what gives with the jagged piece of wood?

Now I have neatly organized files for each year beginning when we were married (1979) and one really BIG file of stuff from before. If I ever get motivated I'll start scrapbooking. Maybe.

Despite looking at books and magazines on scrapbooking, I find myself paralyzed when trying to decide how to lay out a page. It.Takes.Me.All.Day. For one page! So it's a rather intimidating task that I keep putting off. I'd LIKE to scrapbook, I just don't want it badly enough to do anything about it.

But being of an optimistic nature, I'm hanging onto all this memorabilia in case one day I'll be inspired and actually do something with it.

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