Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's A Touch 'O The Irish Today!

This watercolor is part of the Images of Ireland series by Pat Flavell, watercolorist and illustrator living in the southwest of Ireland. The framed size is 8" x 10". [It's still in the cellophane envelope which created a glare when I snapped the picture.] I absolutely LOVE this print that some fortunate person will win today! I brought back *ahem* nine altogether. On our first trip to Ireland we had some money left at the end of the trip (shocking, I know) and it was such a pain to convert the money that we decided to spend it there somehow, someway. It wasn't a difficult choice, really, because I'd been eyeing the watercolors by Philip Gray and Pat Flavell. I bought three at that time. On our last trip I picked up another six.

Process is still the same, leave a comment to enter. I've been going back and forth; one day I'll pick a number and the next day my hubby does, and whoever matches that number wins that day's giveaway. Easy, peasy. I've lost count of how many giveaways I've entered in the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. I'm SO hoping I win something!!!

And now on to who won yesterday's amazing giveaway, the mate cup and bombilla...(drumroll please)'s none other than Jon & Sara! Congratulations! I'll also be sending them the essay about why mate is so important in Argentine culture.

Actually a number of you expressed an interest in the essay. Monday I'll be posting it on this blog.

For those of you new to my blog, hubby and I are getting ready to relocate to the sunny south...way down south that is, all the way to Argentina. The land of gauchos, mate, delicious beef, a little slower pace of life. We'll be helping Tito & Adriana plant a church in the city of Carlos Paz. Although Tito is a doctor, his heart is in church planting and they could use some help. So as soon as we can, we're outta here! :-) Hubby grew up in Argentina so for him it's "going home". For me it's a HUGE change. Which I look forward to, 'cause I'm an adventurous kind of gal (except when it comes to heights) and I have itchy feet so I don't like to stay in one place too long. The tough part? Leaving my kids behind. The son is married so I leave him in the capable hands of his new wife. The daughter is finishing up college, living in the basement apartment at her grandparents' where she can keep an eye on them and help out as needed. Both very independent young adults who will do just fine on their own, thankyouverymuch, but that doesn't mean I'll miss them any less. Just sayin'. They're the ones who talked me into starting this blog as a way to keep them (and anyone else who stops by) informed on what's happening as we move far, far away.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful print. Makes you want to move there right now!

michelle said...

We loved our trip to Ireland. My husband took me and our two young children there for three weeks, a few years ago. My kids' favourite place to visit was FOTA. We had a great family day there, but I really enjoyed the scenery and the people. In some ways, it was difficult to leave. It is such a beautiful area, as this watercolour captures very well. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Kristen M. said...

My husband and I went to Ireland last year for our tenth anniversary. This print brings back great memories. Thank you for sharing a bit of your story.

Katy said...

I would love to win this!!! How pretty! :) thank you for the chance! :)

Pam said...

This is beautiful! That's where we hope to go on an anniversary trip someday.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Yard Sale Princess said...

I would love to win this beautiful watercolor. My friend is from Ireland and left all of her family back there. I would love to give this to her.

SmilingSally said...

I've always wanted to go to Ireland; this would be terrific for me to win. Thank you for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture. It sort of reminds me of Wales where my family is from. I have never been to Ireland (I'm part Irish too) and I hope to go there some day.

I can be reached at the URL attached to my name. THANKS!

Anonymous said...

I love Ireland! I visited there as a child and it left an impact. My dream is to go back someday with my hubby. This print is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win it. :)


Anonymous said...

I have never been to Ireland (just Scotland and England) but the painting is lovely! I have a friend who is mainly Irish and loves her Irish heritage! This would be a great gift for her! I hope you (or your husband) pick number 9!

Tam said...

OK first the print is wonderful

Second good luck on the move! It will be a great adventure! I love that your kids talked you in to start a blog and yes it is great way to keep up with friends and family because we are military! That is why I have a blog to let me family and friends find us 24 hours a day. Again good luck on this adventure! Best wishes from This South...GA that is! lol

Gigi Lynn said...

This is beautiful! My husband is half Irish (and half Scottish), and I would *love* to be able to give this to him for Christmas!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty painting! I'm glad I stumbled across this wonderful giveaway!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

Another great giveaway.

Thanx again

flmom said...

Lovely, lovely print! My bare walls would look wonderful adorned with this.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty print!

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

Beautiful print!

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...


Thanks for the chance to win.

CanCan said...

Do you think I could purchase one of those mate cup sets from you? Maybe even after you move.
I will be moving back to Laos soon so let me know if you need any, um, Lao souvineers.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! My ancestors are from Ireland and I have always wanted to visit!

cecilepryor (at) yahoo (dot) com

Julie said...

Very nice watercolor.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's lovely! My ancestors came from Ireland; so I hope to travel there before I die.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty watercolor print.

EG said...

Very pretty, thanks!

Kyra said...

Beautiful! Would love to win this for my mom for MOther's Day!

Toystory said...

Oh my, this is beautiful. Please enter me.

Genevieve P said...

Gorgeous! I've always wanted to visit Ireland!

Jessica said...

I have always wanted to visit Ireland! I am Dutch-Irish on my mother's side! This is one of the most beautiful watercolors I have seen, and I know that the picture probably doesn't even do it justice. I would love to win this. I am a first year high school English teacher with a new house, but not much furniture or decorations. This would look amazing in my living room!

MorethanMommy said...

You've had some great giveaways this week and this is pretty, too. Sign me up!

Beth said...

I love this giveaway idea! Thanks for the chance to participate!

Bonita said...

That's such a pretty print. It sounds like you lead an interesting, travel-filled life. Moving away from your kids must be really hard!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the print as Ireland is on my travel wish list ☺

Channah said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

My wife would love this print.

Anonymous said...

Nice prize! Count me in.

AudreyO said...

My daughter just loves the print. Argentina huh? That's a huge move.

Diana H said...

My great grandparents came from Ireland back in the late 1800's. This is a lovely print.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! My mother's family is from Ireland but I've never been :) I'd love to win this!

Meg said...

Wow! what a world traveler-love this print. Good luck in Argentina! My dad served a mission there too!!

meddlingkidd said...

I love this print! Half of my grandparents and all of my great grandparents came from Ireland and they have instilled quite a love for our Irish heritage in this generation! I would love to win this one! Thanks for the chance to win!

Becky N. said...

This print has absolutely gorgeous colors, and you know, that's the very first thing I notice about art that I love! I bet it's even prettier in person.

World's Greatest Mommy said...

Beautiful print. I know an Irish-American gal who'd love it. She just happens to be a great friend and an incredible teacher.

Mozi Esme said...

How pretty!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful print! I've never been to Ireland but am dying to go.

pinkgingham said...

That is a beautiful print. I WILL make it to Ireland before I die. That is the one place I must go. Thanks for such a beautiful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love it! This would be great for my bathroom!

Ginny said...

Please count me in, you have had such fun giveaways!