Not sure if it's because the seasons are opposite to what I'm used to, but it's really hard wrapping my head around the fact that it's the end of July. I had trouble when we lived in Uganda too; year-round summer messed with my mind, and left me feeling like I was suspended in time. This is worse though. Winter in July is just all wrong! I wonder if I'll ever get used to it?!
It really hits home each Sunday when I'm posting another
Project 365 entry...this week was no different -- we are
THIRTY WEEKS INTO THE YEAR. Can you believe it? I'm so thankful for this project; it's been a good discipline and even though I don't have a photo for, I do have a lot more photos than I would otherwise! I worried about whether I could stick with it but actually, as the year has progressed, I've become
BETTER at remembering to take photos :-) Thank you
Sara for starting, and continuing to host, Project 365!
Monday I actually forgot to take a photo because I was having too much fun :-) We celebrated
Dia del Amigo with friends Monday night and had so much fun talking, eating, enjoying music... One of the guests is an accomplished musician and while I don't have any photos from Monday, I remembered that we took some short videos of him at a previous party last fall. So for your viewing pleasure, I present 30 seconds of our friend playing traditional Argentine music
(he invented the contraption he's using to play the guitar and harmonica simultaneously; make sure you notice the foot pedal he operates to really belt out the music)...
I made this cake (
dark chocolate orange layer cake from
Tasty Kitchen) for the party, but everyone was so full by the time it was served, only half the folks took very thin slices. Leaving me with plenty to share with other friends on Tuesday :-)

Wednesday it snowed!!! You have to understand, It.Hardly.Ever.Snows.Here. Seriously, they sometimes go YEARS without snow. Do you think it followed me here? Because
it snowed last September too, just before the official start of Spring. Do I sense a conspiracy? Forget global warming, are we in for another ice age? You can see there's a lot more snow up in the Sierras; we just got a dusting here in Carlos Paz and it was gone in a matter of hours.

Folks who live higher up in the mountains like to show off. It's a tradition to build a little snowman on the hood of your car. I kept trying to snap a photo of one but we were always in a moving vehicle which made it a rather difficult. This is the best shot I managed to get.

I realized I haven't shared any of my art projects in a while. Okay, maybe never. So here's what I'm working on now, and you'll understand why I've been so reticent to show you. Not exactly great art. But I'm having fun :-) For this project the teacher had me take two photos, enlarge them and then cut them up and reassemble bits from both to create a new "picture" in cubist style
(that's what you see underneath my painting). Before class I applied gesso to create texture and provide "tooth" for the paint to adhere. I spent all of class time concentrating on the flower portion; next week I'll work on the architectural part. But don't you think my flower center looks more like a slice of pizza?

Friday while I was at the dentist's,
Ivan went under the knife at a nearby clinic. He had out-patient surgery on his knee to remove a cyst that was trying to pass itself off as another knee. He was finished before I was, so
HE WALKED TO THE DENTIST'S. Said he felt great. When the anesthetic wore off about 11 p.m. it was a different story. Today he's still in a world of hurt, but he peeked under the bandage and it looks fine. No excessive redness or swelling. Not only does the knee hurt but he's having pain up and down his sciatic nerve too. Poor guy!

Today we had
asado with our co-workers and some young men who came into town to help with a youth activity. We enjoyed grilled beef, pork and vegetables (have you ever had grilled butternut squash?
DELICIOUS!). Ivan made fresh
chimichurri with parsley from our garden.
Excelente! Our co-worker's youngest daughter (age 11) made not one, but TWO, fabulous desserts!

As we've gotten to know one another through our blogs and photos, I wonder if the other
Project 365 participants feel as I do? That we've become friends. Real friends, not just cyber friends. I think if we ever meet, we'll know each other immediately because we're not strangers at all. And then there's the people I knew before (my
SIL and a
niece are participants) that I've gotten to know better through the Project. A win-win situation, all around!
More fun pictures! The music is good, the cake looks great, Ivans leg looks sore and your art is really neat! (it does look like pizza)
I agree that this 365 project is a blessing and I am enjoying the new friends I've made!
Snowman on the car hood! I Love it. We live in Minnesota and have snow for 8 months (okay - I exaggerate) I must try this! Those desserts look WONDERFUL!
What a full, wonderful life. The snowmen on the roofs and hoods make me smile. Sounds like the beginnings of a great children's story?
great pics and video!!! I can't play one instrument let alone 2 at once!!!
love the snowmen on the car! great tradition!
praying for your husbands knee to heal quickly!!
And you are right, I feel like I know each one of you!!! love that!
Those desserts look fantastic!!
I love your artwork, the colors and textures are gorgeous!
Sorry about Ivan's leg, hope it's doing better??
That snowman on the hood of the car is hilarious!
so many neat things
love the snow shots, cute snowman, especially the mountains were pretty!
time is're right.
dia del amigo is a fun time for sure...great your new header btw!
your cake looks so good, can't wait to try it.
i'm making a plum tart later today, one of Ina Garten's recipes.
i'm still exhausted from being up all night with the teens at our campmeeting closing/funpark trip...all night video games, go carts, mini golf, food and bottomless soda :)
ABSOLUTING LOVING your artwork...enlarged it and the detail is GREAT...great interpretation and texture. :) would love to learn that one.
give ivan's knee some lovin' from made my knees hurt looking at the pic, sorry he's been hurting.
one day we'll'll be a GREAT day, JubiSista!!
have a good night...i'm gonna go take a nap zzzzzz
The art project reminds of some my daughter has done for art class in the last year or so.
It is fun getting to know each other a little isn't it.
i had someone ask me the other day, "who are all those people that comment on your blog? do you actually know them?" after some thought i said, "well, i've never met them in person, but they're all my friends!" i feel the same way you do! :)
oh, and i love your pictures this week--those desserts look delicious!
I love your new blog design... great picture at the top...
Those desserts look so wonderful!
yes, i feel just as you do, i feel that i have friends all over the place! we truly have shared life with one another for half of a year, i don't know if i will ever NOT be able to do this. it will be fun to see what we might do next year? another type of project maybe? who knows? but, i LOVe that picture of the snowman on the car! it's fun to see different traditions and such. and i love the picture on your header.
Okay, tell me. How did you grill the butternut squash? Did you marinate it or brush it with butter or anything first? I really must know!
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