Friday, January 30, 2009

Why oh why did Adobe do away with PageMaker?!

Today's another hot sunny day here in Carlos Paz, Argentina. But I've spent the afternoon inside, trying to figure out how to use iPages on my Macbook since PageMaker is forever lost to me. Boohoo. I was sad beyond measure to learn Adobe no longer supports PM, my favorite desktop publishing software which I've used for nigh unto 20 years. And my old software is not compatible with my new computer. I could always "upgrade" to the new software they're peddling...for a mere $200. Ugh. And who knows how long they'll support that? About as soon as I spend the money, they'll switch to another new program and require more hard cold cash to upgrade to it. Pooh on Adobe!

Let's talk about something positive! Spanish was fun. We're working on business terminology and in the course of the conversation we touched on the subject of frustrating jobs. I think being a parole officer would be highly frustrating since you keep seeing the same faces as they revolve in and out of the prison system. So that led to talking about crime. Which progressed to the specific crime of robbery, a serious problem in this area.

We know Americans who were terrorized by robbers threatening to kill them a few months back and the experience so traumatized the wife and son that they've since returned to the U.S. That happened not too far from where we live, about two barrios over.

[Okay, so you're wondering where the fun comes in, right? Be patient! I'm getting there.]

Then my tutor told me about another woman who had kinder, gentler robbers. When she saw they were taking her computer she begged them to let her do a quick back-up. And they did! She was so thankful that she was all smiles as they left with her computer and assorted other items ☺

Tonight we're having dinner with our co-workers and another family they've gotten to know. I can't remember if the husband or wife is an architect, but one of them is, and since the hubby and I dream of someday building our own house we look forward to picking their brain about what's involved in such a project in this country.

Tomorrow I'm back with a recipe or three. I've been slacking on the Saturday Stirrings for a few weeks but am determined to get back on track tomorrow. Since I'm pretty sure we'll be out late tonight, it might be afternoon before I manage to post. This girl's gotta have her beauty sleep and if we don't come dragging home until 1 or 2 a.m. I'm NOT getting up at seven! Hasta maƱana.

Edited to add:
Would appreciate your prayers for my FIL who's even now in the ER waiting to see what caused the numbness in his arm this afternoon. He's 87 and pretty frail. Thanks for praying!


Mari said...

Prying for your FIL. I'm also having a group over tonight. Our Pastor and his wife are leaving and tonight 18 women who are close to Nancy are coming for supper. We'll have a good time!

Skoots1moM said...

it's cold here...we're expecting snow Monday night...

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

The stories are SCARY. O me of little faith. Prayer for you FIL. My dad is 86, so I understand.

riTa Koch said...

Sounds like quite advanced Spanish!