In honor of both events I’m having a Birthday/Blogiversary Give-Away this week -- a leather wallet from Argentina! Nothing says “Let’s Celebrate” like a good give-away :-) In case you didn’t know, Argentina is famous for its beef. And where you have beef, you have leather.
Posting was rare in the beginning. I wasn’t sure what to write about and wasn’t taking the time to do it. But then a few months in, a personal goal to post twice a week soon led to almost daily posting. Blogging is, quite frankly, addictive! I’ve always wanted to journal but was never disciplined enough to do so consistently until now. This blog serves as my journal, a way to keep in touch with friends and family, and it’s just plain fun to be part of the Blogosphere!
Living in the southernmost part of South America, it’s doubtful I’ll ever make it to one of those amazing blogging conferences and get to meet folks in person. But I feel like I know a lot of bloggers just from reading their blogs regularly. If anyone had told me last year that I’d have friends all over the world that I didn’t personally know but communicated with regularly, I’d have looked to see if they were sprouting antennae.
But I’ve been inspired, encouraged and entertained by bloggers in the U.S., Indonesia, Thailand, Europe and Africa as they share the everyday ordinary of their lives. It’s like reading a serial novel with multiple characters -- you’re never sure what will happen in the next installment :-)
Thanks for joining me in this crazy blogging journey. And don't forget to leave a comment to enter the give-away!
Congrats Aunt Kim!!!!
I will have to remember this when it is my first year of Blogging!
Congratulations on the year and 171 blogs into 2008!
I'm only a 2+ month old blogbaby and already totally addicted.
Do you belong to a bloggers sisterhood or such?
Hi Kim! I've finally caught up with your daily blogs again. The last time I read was the one with the pictures in "The Cave." It made Ivan look gigantic! the sad thing is it didn't look much smaller than our place. :) Your new house looks great! I didn't think it was going to happen so soon but I'm glad it is. It might be quirky but the living room is beautiful! So you are officially an Argentine resident? and no longer a Hoyt. :) I'm glad things are going well for you guys. Chris and I think about both of you often and are looking forward to when we can visit!
I am a blog newby...still learning so much... I love doing giveaways... I have done 2 so far and have really enjoyed it. So Congrats on 1 year and may there be many more (years and giveaways lol).
Hey Kim!
Happy birthday to your blog! Please keep writing - I love reading it!
Well, I don't need a wallet. but I thought I would post a comment anyway. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Once I figured out that THIS was your blog, and not the Xanga you hadn't posted on in a LONG time!!! I really enjoy your writing and your sense of humor. I hope to keep up the commenting now that I'm able to actually get on your site =)
Count me in for that lush wallet :)
Hi Kim! I am enjoying reading your blogs and keeping up with what is going on. Things are good here, Granny turned 90 on Monday!!
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