Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's cold and rainy and my clothes are going to take forever to dry

But at least laundry is caught up. In this kind of weather I HAVE to make something that goes in the oven. Moussaka has been niggling at my mind for a while. It's been years since I made it and now I remember why....it takes FOREVER. I spent most of the afternoon putting this casserole together. It's currently in the oven and I sure hope it's edible after all this work.

I have a recipe, but decided to google for a lighter version. Seeing as how we don't need the extra calories AND we're trying to lower the hubby's cholesterol. I came across a great how-to video by Eva at a fun food blog, Thursday for Dinner. I foresee many happy hours in the kitchen trying out some of the recipes ☺ Quite a few of the posts have videos and others have photos.

One of my homework assignments is to read a couple of articles from the newspaper. My vocabulary is limited enough that before I even start reading, I first scan the article and write down any words I don't know or am unsure about. Then I look them up and write down one-to-two-word definitions (thank goodness for wordreference.com!). After all that I'm ready to begin "reading" with the page (or three) of definitions close at hand.

We get together with our co-workers on Tuesday evenings to pray. There's always plenty to pray about! First we sit and have tea, maybe a little treat, and share what's been happening. It's hard to describe how I feel about these times (I've started and erased multiple efforts because they sound so whiney) but they're absolutely essential. I simply don't know how other missionaries do it without co-workers!

Have y'all heard about the blue diamond that sold for $9.5 million at auction? I know diamonds are supposed to be a girl's best friend, and blue is my favorite color, but still... just give me $9.5 million in dark chocolate please.


Mari said...

I've never had masouka - hope it turned out good for you. I can imagine how much help meeting with co-workers is too.

sara said...

what is masouka? did it turn out?

just give me the $9.5!!!

Skoots1moM said...

i.love.mousaaka, yes, I do!
we often visited the greek festival when I worked at emory university. that and the baklava, oh, so good!
heart-felt prayer with a small group is such a blessing!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, JubiSista!!