He told me last night that the stevedore strike only lasted for a few hours (see, God answered all those prayers!) and late in the day the computer system came back up and he was able to get a copy of that report. He was planning to be at the customs office first thing this morning to schedule the container pick-up.
So about midnight the hubs will be home :-)
I was beginning to wonder if strikes just follow us (sort of like cold weather did)...first the electric company strike when we were trying to get utilities lined up at the house, then the bus strike during our trip back from Resistencia, and now this stevedore strike...but our co-workers assured me that strikes are simply part of the fabric of life here. Everyone goes on strike at some point, some more often than others.
The plan is to let the hubby rest up over the weekend (he must be exhausted after so much running all week) and the truck will arrive with our container first thing Monday morning. It will be so nice to start moving into our own place!
Although it will have to be done in stages. Couldn't find anyone to do the floors professionally so we're going to have to do them ourselves. Our co-worker did find a place in Cordoba that rents the equipment by the day. And since the ENTIRE HOUSE needs the floors cleaned, we'll have to work on that before doing much unpacking.
But we will IMMEDIATELY set up our bed. Or at least the mattress. We brought a couple of queen size Select Number air beds (except ours are older versions without the numbers). This is so we can stay there at night and thieves won't be tempted to rob us blind. Even with the new security system in place, our co-workers are saying it's best to sleep there.
And of course we'll be spending most days there, too, continuing with the cleaning and painting. But until we get a fridge and put the stove back together (had to disassemble parts of it to clean it well), we'll come back to the apartment to cook. A lot of shuttling back and forth but, hopefully, only for a week or so.
As soon as we get the floors and walls done and can start unpacking, I'll go through the boxes of material and sewing notions to find just the right fabric to make curtains for the living room. Remember all those windows? That will require a LOT of yardage and I know I have two, maybe three, pieces that will work. But which to choose?
If anyone would like to put their two cents worth in, that would be great. The two walls of windows are actually big metal units with the windows set in and we won't be painting the metal so it will stay a pale yellow. The other two walls will be given a fresh coat of white. The tile floor is a pale yellow also.
Anyway, I have a light blue damask and a tiny dark green and cream check, and possibly a rusty red with a slight sheen.
So what do you think?
Glad you jumped the customs hoop. It took us months and months!!! I think the green check will be great. It will add texture to the yellow and white. Have fun.
I trust your taste.
I hope you can still enjoy looking out even with drapes.
Yes, we'll keep the curtains pulled back most of the time to enjoy the view. But when the sun is especially bright in summer we'll want to close them to keep things a little cooler inside. And in winter when the wind is blowing, the curtain will help keep things a little warmer.
Enjoy the bed! We brought our (now 8 years old) Sleep number bed in our crate, and we are SO glad we did. The mattresses here are all garbage, and so many of our friends here have back problems because of the horrible mattresses. Enjoy your good nights' sleep!!!
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