Friday, July 25, 2008

The Sad Fate of the Double Chocolate Brownies

So we've had a little brownie crisis in the House of Hoyt. The first batch I made last night? I went to cut it into serving pieces and discovered it was seriously undercooked. We're not talking a little goo that's perfectly acceptable in brownies, but batter-like consistency throughout the middle. The problem was trying to make a double batch in a pan that wasn't big enough in an oven having an identity crisis (What? What do you mean I'm an oven?! Are you sure? I don't feel like an oven!).

So this morning I made another batch. Just one mix in the right size pan and I pleaded with the oven to start acting like an oven.

We ended up with biscotti.

Apparently the oven decided to be like the Little Engine That Could.

On a happier note, the squash gratin was AMAZING. Definitely a keeper recipe and the oven behaved like a perfect gentleman during the baking of the squash. Which made me happy but at the same time crazy because WHY DID IT HAVE TO MESS WITH MY CHOCOLATE?!

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